Long Live the Queen Wiki

If Elodie wishes for a peaceful or even stable ruling, then she must earn approval from nobility and commoners alike. Elodie starts the game with 0 Commoner and Noble Approval.

There are also two other hidden statistics: Lumen Approval and Cruelty. The first only affects the epilogues, but the latter will lock and unlock many options during the game, add different text to epilogues and considerably shift Elodie's personality (and with it the tone of the game).

Spoiler Warning: Plot details follow, read at your own risk

Noble Approval[]

Typically, Noble Approval is affected by your interactions with nobility, how much political respect you inspire and how much you support the local nobles. Interestingly, many actions that increase Noble Approval also increase Cruelty.

Certain actions will please or displease some members of nobility without altering Noble Approval. For example, it's possible to strip Brin of her title in Week 10 and still have an unanimous victory if faced by a vote of no-confidence.

If your Noble Approval is too low (≤-40), you will face a civil war starting Week 29.

Events that Increase or Decrease Approval[]

Week Event Increase/Decrease
Any Weekend Attend Court or Attend Ball +1
Week 6 If Julianna was imprisoned, Selene speaks with you, choose "I will free her" -5
Week 7 Alice runs into you, fail all three checks and choose "Apologize" -5
Week 9 If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift
Fail a Court Manners check to receive a lecture from Banion -5
Pass a Court Manners check and choose "I'm considering it". This will displease Banion +5
Pass a Court Manners check and choose "I just like jewelry" -3
Week 10 If Elodie decided to prepare for battle the week before
Choose to use magic, pass a Wield Magic check +20
Choose to use magic, fail a Wield Magic check -5
If Elodie chooses to negotiate with Ixion
Choose "Surrender province" -30
Choose "Offer him money if Ixion withdraws", agree to pay 8,000 lassi. This will leave you nearly bankrupt -10
Choose "Offer to punish the Duchess of Hellas", make her a commoner. This will anger Banion -15
Choose "Offer to punish the Duchess of Hellas", force her to marry an ixionite and fail an Internal Affairs check. This will displease Banion -10
Choose "Offer to punish the Duchess of Hellas", execute her. This will anger Banion and increase Cruelty by +3 -15
Choose "Bluff/Intimidate" and then "Threaten to attack", pass a Presence check +10
Pass either a Foreign Affairs or Foreign Intelligence check and choose "Bluff/Intimidate", then "Threaten to ally with Terrax" +10
If Elodie is a Lumen, choose "Bluff/Intimidate" and then "Demonstrate magical powers", pass a Presence+Wield Magic check. This will trigger an assassination attempt during Week 16 +10
If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift, pass a Court Manners check, choose "Bluff/Intimidate" and then "Claim you are allied with Talasse". Talarist will come demanding answers on Week 12 +10
Week 12 If Elodie bluffed an alliance with Talasse during Week 10, Talarist confronts you about it, choose "I still won't marry you". This will anger Talarist -10
Week 13 During judgement of the poisoner
Choose "Execute her", fail an Archery check. This will increase Cruelty by +1 +10
Pass (or partially pass) an Internal Affairs check, choose "Ask the Earl of Io about her story", fail a Court Manners check -10
Week 16 For the Procession of the Good Lady
Choose "I will parade and make a speech", fail a Public Speaking check -10
Choose "I will parade and make a speech", pass a Public Speaking check +10
If confronted by an assassin choose "Fight him", pass all checks, then "Kill him" +10
Choose "I would rather not go", then "Confess your fears" -5
Week 17 During the Grand Ball
Pass a Presence, Elegance, Composure and Decoration check +2 for every successful check
Fail all previous checks -10
Dance with suitors and fail a Dance check -10
Dance with suitors and pass a Dance check +5
Choose a dance partner. Pass a Court Manners and Intrigue check, choose "Adair, Young Lord of Elath" -5, plus another -5 if you pass the Dance

check, -15 if you fail

Choose a dance partner. Pass a Court Manners and Intrigue check, choose "Examine the women" and then "Alice the maid" -15, -5 if you pass a Dance check
Mingle with the nobles, fail a Court Manners + Flattery check -10
Mingle with the nobles, pass a Court Manners + Flattery check +10
If Banion confronts you and Talarist is present, choose "Challenge him to a duel" then "Stay quiet" -15
If Banion confronts you and Talarist is not present, pass a Composure check and choose "Ignore the insult" -15
If Elodie Accuses Laurent of sending an assassin, and then relents that she's mistaken -10
Week 20 During judgement of the wife-killer
If Julianna is in the palace, partially pass a Sense Magic check and choose "Summon Julianna", pass a Composure (or Meditation) check, then a Wield Magic or Resist Magic check (if failed, test Flexibility or Reflexes+Running). Finally, pass a Public Speaking+Presence check to deliver an inspiring speech. +5
Pass a Sense Magic check and choose "Question him about the crystal", then pass a Resist Magic check +10
Week 22 Choose "Send him to your uncle" when picking a guardian for Adair. -10
Week 26 If Adair was assassinated, choose "Name a Novan heir", then "A random commoner!" to inherit his title. -10
Week 28 During Gwenelle's party
Choose "Side with her mother" when diffusing Gwenelle's and Lieke's argument. -10
Pass a Novan History or Lore check when talking to Briony, then choose "Tattle to her parents" +10
Week 33 If challenged by Kevan, pass a Wield Magic check and choose "Kill him with magic". -20
Week 35 Win the naval battle (you will need high statistics in Military skills, having built naval ships and increased your number of soldiers, and high Wield Magic skill to pull this off; not losing soldiers in previous events and having high Climbing also helps). +20
Week 36 If you won the naval battle the week before, you will be holding hostages. Choose "Execute them all". This will increase Cruelty by +1 +1

Actions that Please or Displease Nobility[]

  • Pleased: The noble will be supportive of Elodie.
  • Appeased: The noble will be a bit supportive of Elodie or remain ambivalent. If previously displeased, they will be less antagonistic.
  • Displeased: The noble will become somewhat antagonistic. This doesn't always mean they will attempt to sabotage or assassinate Elodie.
  • Angered: The noble will hate Elodie.
Week Action Character Reaction
Week 7 If Julianna is kept in the palace dungeon, Ignatius will confront Elodie on the need of a regent in Ursul. Give the title of Duke to Ignatius. Ignatius, Corisande Appeased, Pleased
Week 9 Banion requests Elodie's aid in the ixionite invasion. Pass a Military check and choose "Prepare for battle" Banion Pleased
If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift, tell Banion that you're considering marrying Talarist Displeased
Week 10 If negotiating with Ixion, choose "Surrender province" Banion, Brin Displeased
If negotiating with Ixion, choose "Offer him money if Ixion withdraws", regardless of outcome Appeased
If negotiating with Ixion, pass a Foreign Affairs check and choose "Punish the Duchess of Hellas", force her to marry an Ixionite, fail an Internal Affairs check Displeased
If negotiating with Ixion, pass a Foreign Affairs check and choose "Punish the Duchess of Hellas", force her to marry an ixionite, pass an Internal Affairs check Appeased
If negotiating with Ixion, choose "Bluff/Intimidate", succeed at any choice Pleased
Either fail any choice, thus going to war next week, or execute the ixionite representative Pleased
If negotiating with Ixion, pass a Foreign Affairs check and choose "Punish the Duchess of Hellas", make her a commoner Banion Angered
If negotiating with Ixion, pass a Foreign Affairs check and choose "Punish the Duchess of Hellas", execute her
Week 12 If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift, he will come to visit. Accept his proposal Talarist Pleased
If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift, he will come to visit. Pass a Court Manners check to "Politely decline" his proposal Appeased
If Elodie is wearing Talarist's gift, he will come to visit. "Politely decline" his proposal and fail a Court Manners check Displeased
If Elodie bluffed an alliance with Talasse in Week 10, choose "Alright, I will marry you" Pleased
If Elodie bluffed an alliance with Talasse in Week 10, choose "I still won't marry you" Angered
Week 13 During judgement of the poisoner, choose "Put her to work" Kevan Displeased
During judgement of the poisoner, choose "Imprison her" or "Execute her" Pleased
During judgement of the poisoner, pass an Internal Affairs check and choose "Tell her that justice was already done" Appeased
During judgement of the poisoner, partially pass an Internal Affairs check, choose "Ask the Earl of Io about her story", pass a Court Manners check Appeased
During judgement of the poisoner, partially pass an Internal Affairs check, choose "Ask the Earl of Io about her story", fail a Court Manners check Kevan, Arisse Angered, Displeased
Week 17 When choosing a dance partner, dance with Linley ("Someone about your age") Severin Pleased
When choosing dance partner, dance with Brin. Either pick "Someone scandalous" (Julianna must be absent and Brin must be alive and still ennobled) or pass a previous Court Manners and Intrigue check, pick "Examine the women" and choose Brin Brin Pleased
If Banion asks Elodie for a dance, pass a Court Manners check and choose "I plan to marry you" Banion Pleased
Pass a Sense Magic check, choose "Talk to your aunt", then "Offer her a court position" Lucille Pleased
Week 18 If you danced with Brin the week before, you receive a bouquet of flowers. Choose "Accept them" Brin Pleased
You find Joslyn and Sirin chatting. Pass a Composure check and choose "Greet her politely", then pass a Court Manners check Sirin Pleased
Week 22 When assigning a guardian for Adair, choose "Leave him with Arisse" Arisse Appeased
When assigning a guardian for Adair, choose "Send him to his grandfather" Angered (delayed)
When assigning a guardian for Adair, choose "Send him to your uncle" Displeased

Commoner Approval[]

To increase commoner approval, side with the common people during arguments, do impressive public feats, do charity and relief aid, and be reasonable (at least where people can see you). This makes it rather common for the player to be forced to side with commoners or nobles, so keep your approval in mind.

Many Cruel actions will easily reduce Commoner Approval. Curiously, they don't mind too much if you execute people as long as they're not righteous in the eyes of the commoners (the poisoner) or they don't get too see them die too brutally (the assassin of Week 16 and Kevan if you kill then with magic).

If your Commoner Approval is too low (≤-45) and agents didn't reassure the people, you'll face a revolution during Week 39. This will end the game immediately if Elodie is not a Lumen.

Events that Increase or Decrease Approval[]

Week Event Increase/Decrease
Week 5 Fail both checks when you receive a gift from Talarist. -3
Week 7 If Alice runs into you
Pass a Court Manners check and choose "Accept her apology" +5
Choose "Punish her" -5
Week 10 When dealing with the Ixionite diplomat, choose "Surrender province" -30
Week 12 Pass a Herbs+Battlefield Medicine check and choose to "Invest" in the hospital. This costs 1.200 lassi. +20
Week 13 During judgement of the poisoner
Choose "Put her to work". This will anger Kevan. +10
Choose "Imprison her" and fail the Archery check. -5
Choose "Execute her". This increases Cruelty by +1. -10
Choose "Ask the Earl of Io about her story" and fail the Court Manners check. -10
Week 14 If you meet Evrard
Choose "Call the guards" -5
Pass or partially pass a Court Manners check and choose "Tell him to leave" +5
Week 15 If you invested in the printing press, choose "Poems praising your mother". -10
Week 16 During the Procession of the Good Lady
Lead the parade and pass a Decoration or Elegance check +10
Lead the parade and partially pass a Decoration check +5
Make a speech and pass a Public Speaking check +10
Pass a Voice check (must first pass above Public Speaking check) +5
Don't go to the parade. When Alice questions your reasons, choose "Confess your fears" or "Yell at her". The latter increases Cruelty by +1. -5
If Elodie reclaimed her crystal but hasn't activated it, a bad omen in the form of salt water appears at the end of the parade. This also grants a second chance to activate the crystal at the end of the week. -10
Week 17 During the Grand Ball, force Alice to dance with you. -5
While dancing with Alice, pass a Dance check. -5
Week 18 If engaged to Banion, choose "Smash it" -10
If no attempted assassination in week 16, pass an Intrigue check, choose "Assassins", then "More punishment". -10
Week 19 Choose "Raise taxes" and fail an Accounting+Trade check. -10
Choose "Keep them the same" when in debt. -10
Choose "Lower taxes" with 3000 or more lassi +10
If Selene disappeared -15
Week 20 When sitting judgement on the man accused of killing his wife
Choose "Pardon him" -10
Pass a Sense Magic check and choose "Question him about crystal", then pass a Resist Magic check +10
Pass a Sense Magic check, choose "Summon Julianna", then "Wait for Julianna", then pass a Public Speaking + Presence check +5
Pass a Sense Magic check and Choose "Summon Julianna", then "Change your mind" -5
Week 21 When you lose the squid poem, choose "Ignore it" -5
If you chose to imprison the man from Week 20 -10
If you chose to execute the man from Week 20 -5
If you chose to execute the man from Week 20 and Julianna is present at your court -5
If you picked Julianna as greatest concern in week 18 and decided she should die, posted a reward for this, but did not paint her picture -10
If you picked Julianna as greatest concern in week 18 and decided she should die, posted a reward for this, and painted her picture +10
Week 22 Choose "Marry him" -10
Week 23 Choose "Accept her as Court Musician" or "Test her for secret skills" +10
Week 26 If Adair is assassinated
Choose "Name Talarist the heir" -10
Choose "Name a Novan heir", then:
"An administrator from Elath" +10
"A random commoner!" +10
If Talarist is causing trouble at the border
"Send emergency aid". This costs 900 lassi +10
If you have insufficient lassi, or choose "Do nothing" -10
Week 27 If you named a Novan heir, did not put soldiers at the border in week 20, and have insufficient funds -10
Week 29 Choose "Recruit soldiers from prison" -10
Week 32 If you receive chocolates, pass the check needed to choose "Save it for later", then pass an Intrigue and Poison check, choose "Test for poison". Fail the Medicine check and have a minimum of Animal Handling >10 so Elodie will test the poison on prisoners. -15
Week 33 During the tournament
Participate and succeed at the Fencing or Jousting competition, or win the Music competition +15
Participate and succeed at the Mounted Parade, Archery or Music competition (no victory on the last one). +10
Fail at any competition except Music or Archery -10
Fail almost any check in the Music competition but pass Public Speaking -10
Don't participate in the tournament at all -10
If Kevan confronts you
Pass a Wield Magic check and choose "Kill him with magic" -20
Choose "Staves" for the duel. Pass all checks, choose "Don't (hit him)" then pass a Public Speaking+Presence check. +10
Choose "Staves" for the duel. Pass the Poelearms check, fail the Polearms+Flexibility check, then pass the Presence + Public Speaking check. -10
Refuse the duel -10
If you found poison in the chocolates
Choose "Punish the guards" -5
Choose "Punish the supplier" -5
Week 35 If Ixion sent a flotilla of ships -10
If lost the naval battle, pass a Strategy + Naval Strategy check -5
Win the naval battle. +20
Week 36 If you summoned a magical storm to defeat the Shanjia fleet -10
If you won the naval battle, choose "Ransom the rich, conscript the poor" -10
Week 37 If you talked down Togami or won the naval battle. +15
If you started an earthquake. -20
If Joslyn was killed by Togami and your Commoner Approval is near-zero, lose 15 approval. If you directed your agents to look out for uprisings, the approval lost is reduced to 5 -15 (or -5)
Week 38 If your commoner approval is low, you worry about your choices -15
If your commoner approval is low, but directed your agents to look for uprisings
Have Sabine around as a musician, choose "Stage a concert" +15
Pass a Herbs check, choose "Heal the sick", pass the first check check +15
Pass a Herbs check, choose "Heal the sick", fail the first check but pass the others +10
"Make a public appearance", pass any check +10
If you have money in the treasury
Choose "Extravagant feast" +25
Choose "Respectable feast" +20
Choose "Small feast"* +20
Choose "No feast" -10

* Bear in mind that for Week 38, while choosing "Small feast" increases Commoner Approval, it also causes a tragedy during the epilogue. Said tragedy doesn't affect approval, but it can sour an otherwise optimistic epilogue.

Events Determined by Approval Values[]

Certain events change their outcome or descriptions depending on Commoner Approval.

Week Event Approval Needed
Week 16 If you face an assassin, choose "Run Away". If you fail the Running check, pass an approval check and a commoner will sacrifice himself to save you. Over 25 (?)
Week 23 Hire Sabine as a spy. She will give an input on current Commoner Approval. Varies
Week 28 If you go to Gwenelle's party, eliminating/hiring a certain scheming noble and having high Commoner Approval will guarantee you reach your destination safely. Over 45(?)
Week 34 If you sent your agents to watch for uprisings, you receive a report. Varies
If you sent your agents to watch for uprisings and received poisoned chocolates during Week 33, you receive a report. Varies
Week 37 If Joslyn dies, people start spreading bad rumors about you (can be mitigated if you directed your agents towards uprisings or hired Sabine as a court musician). Under 0
Week 38 If commoner approval is too low, you worry about your choices. Under 5 (?)
If commoner approval is too low and directed your agents towards uprisings, you receive a report urging you to take action. By passing checks, various choices to increase approval are unlocked. Under 5 (?)
Week 39 If your approval is too low, the peasants will rebel! This prematurely ends the game if Elodie is not a Lumen. If she is a Lumen, pass a Wield Magic or Presence check to reach coronation. Under -45 and

the agents did not reassure the people

Epilogues If your approval is too low, you can't romance Evrard, not even after completing all his events. Under 10 (?)
If your approval is too low, but choose to "Make him eat (the cookies) first" during Evrard's last event, you get a special romantic epilogue. Under 0 (?)

Lumen Approval[]

This determines how willing the Novans are to accept Lumen. Unlike other approvals, this only has direct effect on the epilogues.

First of all, there are three initial branching points that determine if the player can alter the opinion on Lumen:

  • If Elodie obtains her crystal and transforms immediately, you can change Lumen Approval for the rest of the game
  • If Elodie obtains her crystal but abstains from transforming until the ending, you can't change approval but remain on good terms with Lumen. Opinion on Lumen remains unchanged and unlocks the "Lumen Crystal" and "Outcast Julianna" epilogues.
  • If Elodie constantly rejects magic and Lumen, you can't change approval but make your dislike for them known. Unlocks the anti-Lumen epilogues, "Lumen Rejection" and "Outcast Julianna" (if she lives).

Bear in mind that you don't need too many approval increases to get the pro-Lumen epilogues. For example, accepting a magic tutor and defeating Togami in a magic duel, while avoiding any other use of magic is requirement enough to get the pro-Lumen epilogues.

Events that Increase or Decrease Approval[]

Week Event Increase/Decrease
Any time after Week 2 or Week 6 If Elodie can't obtain her crystal herself, ask your magic mentor to take drastic action Decrease (?)
Week 6 If Julianna has been banished: Elodie refuses Selene's offer to teach her magic Decrease
If Julianna is imprisoned: Elodie refuses to release Julianna Decrease
Week 10 If Elodie decided to prepare for battle the week before, and chooses to use magic, pass a Wield Magic check Increase
If Elodie decided to prepare for battle the week before, and chooses to use magic, fail a Wield Magic check Decrease (?)
If a Lumen Elodie choose to negotiate with Ixion, choose "Bluff/Intimidate" and then "Demonstrate magical powers", pass a Presence+Wield Magic check Increase (?)
Week 15 If Elodie invested in the printing press, choose to publish "Pro-Lumen propaganda" Increase
Week 20 During judgement of the wife-killer, partially pass a Sense Magic check, choose "Summon Julianna", pass a Composure or Meditation check, choose "Wait for Julianna", pass a Wield Magic or Resist Magic check (or either Flexibility or Reflexes+Running checks), then pass a Public Speaking+Presence check. If you fail any of these checks, approval won't change Increase
Week 21 If Elodie ordered the wife-killer to be executed, he will cause an explosion that allows him and other prisoners escape. Rumors spread about an evil cabal of Lumen Decrease
Week 33 If Elodie was challenged by Kevan, pass a Wield Magic check and choose "Kill him with magic" Decrease
Week 35 If Elodie has at least three Lumen in her circle, choose to "Use magic against the fleet" the previous week, pass a Wield Magic check and face the consequences later High decrease (delayed)
If Elodie choose to "Fight with navy only" the previous week, pass a Wield Magic check (regardless of Climbing check or outcome of the battle) Increase
Week 36 If confronted by Togami, choose "Accept his terms" as a Lumen, pass Resist Magic, Sense Magic and Wield Magic checks (or Resist Magic and Meditation checks), then counterattack with "Magic sword" (pass Swords+Reflexes check) or "Dazzle him" (pass Wield Magic and Decoration check) High increase
If confronted by Togami and Selene is you magic tutor, choose "Refuse outright" to delay him and Selene will propose causing an earthquake to drive off the invaders, accept, this will have consequences later High decrease (delayed)
Week 37 If Elodie caused an earthquake the previous week, people start talking about the connection between Lumen and both the earthquake and the now-rampaging beasts of the forest High decrease (delayed from Week 36)
If Elodie had Sabine investigating the poisoned chocolates and Joslyn is alive, choose either "Decide Lucille is guilty" or "Ask about Charlotte's powers", then "Banish the entire family", Lucille will lash out violently when that happens Decrease (delayed until epilogue)
If Elodie and her circle sunk the enemy fleet with magic, a sea monster will rampage in the shoreline, regardless of the method used to appease it people are starting to blame Lumen Decrease (delayed from Week 35)
If Elodie accidentally summoned a Kraken, and chose to sacrifice Charlotte to appease it, people will call her an evil Lumen witch High decrease


This is a game-changing statistic that reflects how many capricious or sadistic actions Elodie has taken and is willing to take. It can be raised by certain choices and activities, and it both locks and unlocks certain choices and epilogues. See page for more detailed information.

Interestingly, many cruel actions in the game can raise Noble Approval. Also remember, no matter whether it's in self-defense, burning people to death also isn't very nice.
